Hello there!

I'm a software developer, started my IT journey at the age of 8 and speak German, English & Turkish. Flying me
Spikes pointing down

Title icon left Skills Title icon right

{"skillset": {
"Languages": ["Python", "C#", ".NET", "SQL"],
"Technologies": ["gRPC", "CI", "git"],
"OS exp": ["Windows servers", "CentOS", "Ubuntu", "Arch", "NixOS"],
"Networking": "Cisco certification CCNA"

Spikes pointing up

Title icon left Projects Title icon right


Chat window

This was a group project of a coding course about a chat app which had an API server, a database, a web client and unit tests. We used C# and .Net. The codebase is not available.

AI experiment: NEAT-Racer

AI cars racing against each other

I've made this AI racer game. It uses NEAT and lots of Feed-Forward neural networks.

Live wallpaper: Synthrider

Driver driving in a synhwavy and cosmic environment

I did create this 3D live wallpaper to learn OpenGL. I used OpenGL, GLSL, C++, stb_image, GLEW and GLFW.

3D(VR) world: Nightcity

3D environment

I did create this 3D world to meet my friends in VRChat. I used Blender, Unity and the VRChat SDK 3 for Unity.

AR experiment: Observing Void

A creepy entity is watching you

I made an AR experiment where you can place a creepy object that observes you in your room. This experiment uses Google's WebXR and ThreeJS.

Minecraft mod: Katana

The glowing katana

I made a Minecraft mod that creates a craftable Katana (sword type item), has a fragment shader (to add emissiveness), a custom sweep animation and obviously a texture.

3D web experiment: Streamer

A 3D environment with a monitor that shows a real world application's content

This is a 3D web experiment. It uses GLTF models and ThreeJS.

Java game

Player in a dungeon full of monsters

I've created a roguelike and 2D sprites based Java game called PM-Dungeon with my team. This was a group assignment at our university.

Webserver & client

Traffic between cient and server and demo of the result

I wrote a basic HTTP/1.1 server and client in Python with static content.

This website

Repository overview

Oh, and obviously, this website is hosted on GitHub's servers as you can tell by the domain and the repository is public.

Server monitor

WebApp that shows the server ressources and some server tools

A server monitor that refreshes its content every second written in JavaScript, HTML, CSS and in PHP.

w0rm. Why?

I have gotten into an optimization challenge with someone from the USA. The person with the faster and smaller w0rm script would win. As you can tell, it was just for the fun of it and nothing serious.
Disclaimer: If you use this and harm anyone or anything, I'm not taking responsibility for that.

Virtual KVM Switch

I have created a "KVM switch" in Python. I wanted to switch between Arch Linux and a Windows 10 VM (with GPU and SSD Passthrough) and did not want to buy an actual KVM switch for 80 Euro :)

Bot Libraries

Click on the title to see the bot libraries!

Instagram Bot library

It is capable of sending images and videos. It's written in Python. Its main use is self-promotion on your own account.

Facebook Bot library

It is capable of renewing tokens extracted from cookies, logging in, listening the FB servers for new notification, and sending messages by triggering the bot with specific key words.
It is written in Python.

Discord Bot library

This Discord Python library's development came to a stop once I was enrolled in college. It was able to send text messages.

LINE Bot library

I have created my own unofficial chat bot library that is written in Python. It used be active on the social media platform LINE.

DevRant Bot library

This is a very ancient DevRant library I made from scratch in Python.

University and school projects experiences

This is a collection of what I did during university and school times. IT related obviously.